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我们教堂是基督教路德教会密苏里州总会的一部分。在二十世纪六十年代,路德教会密苏里总会密歇根分区在中密歇根大学建立了全日制校园部,于1966年正式成立了Christ the King Lutheran Chapel (CTK, 基督路德教堂)。

如今,尽管密歇根教区仍提供部分支持,教堂的租赁,日常运营和维护由芒特普莱森特的路德教会锡安教堂(Zion Lutheran Church)负责。基督路德教堂是锡安教堂宣教工作的重要组成部分。


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本杰明·乌勒达伦牧师(Benjamin Ulledalen)2015年加入了锡安-基督国王教堂。他和他的妻子佩奇育有有两儿一女





乔纳森·巴克(Jonathon Bakker)是锡安-基督国王教堂的高级牧师。他的妻子安妮(Anne)是女执事,兼任教堂国际部主任。他们在康科迪亚神学院相识,并一起在印第安纳州的韦恩神学院学习



Pastor Larry Wright is serving both Christ the King and Zion as an interim senior pastor. After earning his Master of Divinity degree in 2007, he served at Our Savior Lutheran church in Midland, MI. In 2014, he returned to the Seminary as an Advancement Officer helping to build relationships and gain financial support for the Seminary and its students until his retirement in February 2024.

Pastor Jesse Greenhagen is the campus pastor for Christ the King and is a recent graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. Before studying at the Seminary, he earned a Masters Degree in mechanical engineering and worked as an engineer in the medical device industry. He and his wife, Kristina, were married in August 2023 and had their first child in early July, 2024. Pastor Greenhagen was ordained and installed at our church on August 11, 2024.


Kathy has been a Zion member since February 2015, and has been secretary at Christ The King since July 2016.  She has two daughters and one son, and in March 2018, she became a first-time grandma. She enjoys working at Christ The King because of how kind everyone is and she enjoys talking with the students.

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